sábado, 7 de março de 2009

The Homeless

Seen as a social problem, the homeless or beggars, are present in almost all countries as an indicator of maladjustment (cases of alcoholism, addictions, psychological disorders, etc.). Reflexes or economic conditions.

The homeless are people who simply have no fixed residence, living in public places in a city, so it is common to identify.

Most of the homeless has support of associations, such as CAIS, MIA, Citizen Portal of the homeless and Community Life and Peace, but not by the government, should pay more attention to the problems of these people.

The number of homeless has increased significantly, both in men as in women, elderly and young too. The main reasons for this increase are the cost of living and unemployment.

In Lisbon, Portugal, a study conducted by the municipal camera in 2004, shows that one third of the homeless are between 25 and 34 years, the majority are male (76%) and Portugal (64%) and not drugs (only 20% are drug addicts). However, use of drugs is a problem that is most associated with this. This study suggests that to know that there are at least 930 are homeless in the streets of Lisbon (the real number of people are homeless in the country is not known).

Of all the homeless immigrants in Lisbon, the vast majority is from Ukraine. Romania, Angola and Cape Verde have been below the list of countries of origin of the homeless on the streets of Lisbon, which also housed German, Brazil, Guinea, Moldovan and Russian - though in smaller numbers.

The people are homeless presents further characteristics:

  • 89% is unemployed

  • 28% have vocational training

  • 92% have relatives living, but only 37% relates to them

  • 39% do not have the family doctor

  • 7% have HIV

  • 28% Consumes active substances

  • 43% have childrens

By being seen "by hand" by society, no one gives them work, and use these as the most common economic begging (27%), followed by support / institutional subsidies (22%), support of friends and relatives ( 13%). The income from Social Inclusion covers 10% of the homeless population.

A homeless, Kevin Barbieux, the United States, decided to use the Internet to talk about the experience as a resident of the street, and has even created a blog for this. Only in this way and through associations is that we, "not the homeless," we can know and understand, though evil, because only the skin feel what they are is that they would because the value, life and day to day of homelessness.

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