--> Heterossexuality
(attracted to people of the opposite sex (men-women / women-men) - Hetero = different)
--> Homosexuality
(attracted to people of the same sex (men-men/ woman-woman) - HOMO = SAME)
--> Bissexuality
(attracted to people of both sexes (men-men / men-women/ woman-men/ woman-woman) - BI = BOTH)
Results of biological and environmental factors. Many researchers consider that, in general, it is already defined in first years of life.
--> Homosexuality and bisexuality are the options?
No. No one chooses their sexual orientation. The orientation there is sexual without having direct control over it. By therefore not correct to refer to it as' sexual option'.
--> The homosexuality is a disease?
No. After many decades of studies, the left homosexuality disease to be considered by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in 1973 and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1993. Homosexuals are at the outset, as healthy people as heterosexual and the same opportunities and capabilities they.
--> You can change the sexual orientation of a person?
No. The people subjected to the so-called "therapies for conversion "does not cease to have homosexual feelings, still often have behavior homosexuals. The APA believes that this type of therapy does not have scientific bases. Studies show they may, by contrary, put at serious risk the welfare of emotional people subjected to them.
--> It is true that homosexuality is caused by a childhood trauma, or the absence of a parental figure of the same sex?
No. The majority of homosexuals never had a trauma in their childhood and homosexuals have structures and nature of family relationships as diverse as the heterosexual.
--> All homosexuals are promiscuous?
No. The homosexuals and bisexuals establish relations emotional with the same degree of durability and reliability that the heterosexual. The emotional investment in relationships is not associated with the individual's sexual orientation, whatever it may for, although the relations between persons of the same sex yet suffer large negative pressures due to existing prejudice.
--> It is true that most homosexuals are of HIV / AIDS?
No. The truth is that today most people infected with HIV are heterosexual. In any event, the presence of HIV is in no way related to sexual orientation, but with risk behavior.
--> The unstable people are bisexual, or undecided unable to be faithful?
The bisexuality does not mean an indecision as to which sex if you prefer, or that a person is more promiscuous or unstable and, much less, which seeks to bigamy in its relations love. Bisexual people have the same capabilities of fidelity and stability in a relationship that the people other sexual orientations.
--> A gay couple, a man and makes of another woman?
No. Such statements are based on relations heterosexual and social roles still apply. In relations both members of the gay couple share indiscriminately the roles associated with socially both sexes, both in the organization of domestic tasks as in any other field.
--> The parents may be gays?
There are, throughout the world, many thousands of children created, both by a father or a mother homosexuals, for a pair of two women or a couple of two men, and Portugal is no exception. These children come from marriages or relationships heterosexual or previous use of the adoption or artificial insemination, for example.
--> Homosexuals are good parents?
Yes, Several decades of studies show that children created by homosexual or gay couples have a social and emotional development perfectly normal life and is even more aware of not discriminate against other people.
--> Homophobia
It’s fear and contempt for homosexuals. This term is used to describe the hatred generalized to homosexuals.
--> Heterossexism
Means the ideological system that takes heterosexuality as superior, promoting the oppression, denial and discrimination of people of different sexual orientation to heterosexual.